
Wine Box Renovation

 I found these wine boxes at an estate sale and decided they needed a little spice.  I used three different techniques with the boxes and I will explain them below.

Red: The red one was already painted and the box had a graphic inlay on it.  I wanted to bring out the designs and make it look grungy and old.  So, I used layers and layers of glaze to get the effect.  I learned this technique from an internet blog called All Things Thrifty by BrookeThis post of hers is really great in showing how to glaze wood.  For my box, I just painted the glaze over the whole thing and then wiped it off so the glaze stayed in the inlay and came off the surface.  I had to do this 5 times to get the desired effect.  (it doesn't take as long as it sounds)  I really like how the glaze fills in the cracks, scratches and all the nooks and crannies.  The glaze really makes it look old and grungy.  I will be doing other glazing projects for my blog because it's so fun. 

White: This box didn't have an inlay, the graphics were just painted on so I decided to do a white wash.  I just mixed 1/2 white paint and 1/2 water and wiped it on the box with a rag.  I did a few coats to make it white enough.  Then I sanded it a bit to smooth the splinters on the box edges.  

Teal: This one is my favorite.  It had a neat leaf pattern inlay on the box.  I painted the whole thing with teal paint and them sanded it FOREVER.

These boxes are great for storage, toy bins, planters, log holders by the fireplace, small bookshelves, or whatever other use you can conjure up. 


Estate Sale Find of the Week

I found this old typewriter at an estate sale last week for 5 bucks!  I have nowhere in my house (which is the size of a standard porch) to display it, so I had to resort to tearing it apart.  I'm sure I can find something neat to do with the pieces.  I had a little photo shoot with it before I had to dismember it (which, by the way, was a ton of work seeing as though it's made with an astonishing number of parts).  
 Thanks for looking